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Registry Keys Used By the Channel Agent Refresh System

The Active Channel Server system uses a registry key to define a Channel Agent.  Each key can be found under the registry path
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Site Server\3.0\Active Channel Agents\

The key itself is usually a simple name used to identify the particular agent.  For example, the pre-installed agents that come with Active Channel Server have names like "File System" and "Database."   The "names" and "data" listed under each of these keys identify configuration information about the respective agent.  These names, along with a brief description of their purpose, are listed below.

ASP Property Page

the data under this name refers to the name of an ASP file that can be used by the WebAdmin tool to configure the various options for the agent.  The value of the data can be a full or relative path to the ASP page.  If the path is relative, the prefix "c:\microsoft site server\bin" is assumed. 

ASP Wizard Page

the data under this name refers to the name of an ASP file that can be used by the WebAdmin tool when the user requests to use the "wizard" to help set options for the agent.  The value of the data can be a full or relative path to the ASP page.  If the path is relative, the prefix "c:\microsoft site server\bin" is assumed. 

COM Property Sheet

the data under this name is a GUID identifying the CLSID of a COM class that implements the IPropertyPage interface.  An instance of this class is created when a user selects the agent for use by a Channel object in the Microsoft Management Console.

Display Name

the data under this name specifies a display name used by the various admin tools such as the Microsoft Management Console tool and the WebAdmin tool.

Script Language

the data under this name specifies the Active Scripting Engine to use when running the agent script.  The hosting Channel object uses this data when the refresh cycle commences to load the appropriate engine for the script.

Script Pathname

the data under this name should define the path to the agent script.  If the path is relative, the prefix "c:\microsoft site server\bin" is assumed.  (e.g. Script Pathname = "somescript.vbs"  implies that the script resides a c:\microsoft site server\bin\somescript.vbs)

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