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ChannelLogoRefs Key

Associated Value Type

Array (VT_ARRAY)

Array Contains

String (VT_BSTR)


An agent uses the strings passed via the ChannelLogoRefs option to populate the LogoRefs collection of each Channel object it creates during the refresh cycle.

Note   Do not simply assign a previously defined LogoRefs collection to the RefreshOptions collection under the key "channellogorefs."  The LogoRefs collection is a class List object, whereas the "channellogorefs" option is defined to contain an Array (SAFEARRAY).  The assignment will succeed, however, the agent will fail to property populate any new Channel object's LogoRefs collection during the refresh cycle.


' VBScript Project.AddLogo("channelbar","/images/bar.gif","IMAGE") Project.AddLogo("icon","/images/icon.gif","ICON") Project.AddLogo("wide","/images/wide.gif","IMAGE-WIDE") 
ForAgentLogoNames = Array ("channelbar","icon","wide") Channel.RefreshOptions("channellogorefs") = ForAgentLogoNames Channel.Refresh(Project)

Applies to Agents

File System

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