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The ReplicationServer object provides methods and properties to administer the Content Deployment server. The following table briefly describes the ReplicationServer object's methods and properties.

Method Description
AddEventSink Adds/opens an event sink.
AddRoute Adds a route to the routing table and returns a ReplicationRoute object.
CheckAccess Gets the current user's access permissions.
ClearEvents Clears one or all event sinks.
Commit Commits changes to Content Deployment.
Continue Continues Content Deployment after a pause request.
DeleteEventSink Removes an event sink.
DeleteProject Deletes a project on the server.
DeleteRoute Deletes a route from the routing table.
Enum Lists the global properties.
EnumEventSinks Lists the event sinks.
EnumProjects Lists the projects.
EnumReplications Lists the replications as ReplicationInstance objects.
EnumRoutes Lists the routes.
EnumServers Lists the servers.
EventTimeToLocalTime Converts a date to the local time zone.
Get Retrieves a global property.
Initialize Initializes the server.
InitializeEx Initializes the server with a different user context and an optional time-out.
MapUrl Maps a URL to a project.
OpenPostingAcceptor Opens a Posting Acceptor.
OpenProject Opens a project.
Pause Pauses the service.
Put Sets a global property.
Start Starts the server.
Stop Stops the server.
TranslateEventCode Translates an event code into a string description, severity, and category.
Property Description
ServerName Name of the server connected to during initialization.
UseTransactions Whether transaction processing is done.
Version The version of the server.

CLSID and ProgID

ReplicationServer CLSID


ReplicationServer ProgID


ReplicationServer is a dual-interface COM object.

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