You access an existing ReplicationClientError object by calling the ReplicationClient.GetExtendedErrorInfo method, which returns an array of ReplicationClientError objects. Since the array is empty when no error information is available, be sure to do bounds checking before accessing the array.
ReplError is the name of the ReplicationClientError object in the following example:
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
dim ReplClient
set ReplClient = CreateObject("CrsApi.ReplicationClient")
if err.Number > 0 then
dim ReplError
set ReplError = ReplClient.GetExtendedErrorInfo
'If the ReplError array isn't empty, loop through it
'and display each error
dim NumElements = Ubound(ReplError)
if NumElements > 0 then
Wscript.Echo "The following errors were received: "
dim i
for i = 0 to NumElements
Wscript.Echo ReplError(i).ErrorCode
end if
end if
'Release objects
set ReplError = Nothing
set ReplClient = Nothing