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Project Property

This property specifies the project associated with the error.




You must have Site Server Publishing administrator privileges on the server to get or set this property.


The following example initializes the project. If any errors occur during initialization, the project name, which should be Project1, and error codes are echoed to the Web page.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

dim Client
set Client = CreateObject("CrsApi.ReplicationClient")
if err.Number > 0 then
  dim ClientError
  set ClientError = Client.GetExtendedErrorInfo
end if
'If the ClientError array isn't empty, loop through it
'and display each error
dim NumElements = Ubound(ClientError)

if NumElements > 0 then
  dim Project
  Project = ClientError(0).Project
  Wscript.Echo "Failed to initialize project: " & Project
  Wscript.Echo "The following errors were received"
  dim i
  for i = 0 to NumElements
    Wscript.Echo "Error code:  " & ClientError(i).ErrorCode
    Wscript.Echo "Description: " & ClientError(i).Description
end if
'Release objects
set ClientError = Nothing
set Client      = Nothing

See Also


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