The ReplicationProject object provides methods and properties to administer projects on a Content Deployment server. The ReplicationProject object defines the following methods and properties:
Method | Description |
AddDestination | Adds a destination to the project. |
AddSchedule | Adds a schedule to the project. |
ApplyTransaction | Applies a transaction to the project. |
Cancel | Cancels the running project. |
CheckAccess | Gets the current user's access permissions. |
Commit | Commits changes for a project. |
Enum | Lists the properties for a project. |
EnumAccess | Lists the users' access permissions for a project. |
EnumDestination | Lists the destinations for a project. |
EnumItems | Lists the ReplicationItem objects for a project. |
EnumReplications | Lists the ReplicationInstance objects for a project. |
EnumSchedules | Lists the ReplicationSchedule objects for a project. |
Get | Retrieves a property for the project. |
GrantAccess | Grants a user access to a project. |
Put | Sets a property for the project. |
RemoveAccess | Removes user’s access to a project. |
RemoveDestination | Removes a destination from a project. |
Rollback | Rolls back to a previous replication. |
Start | Starts a project run. |
StartReplicationClient | Invokes a ReplicationClient object for the project. |
Property | Description |
Flags | A bitmask of the flags for the project (see the Flags appendix). |
LocalDirectory | Local directory for the project. |
Name | The name of the project. |
ReplicationMethod | The replication method (push, pull, or active) used for the project. |