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The ReplicationProject object provides methods and properties to administer projects on a Content Deployment server. The ReplicationProject object defines the following methods and properties:

Method Description
AddDestination Adds a destination to the project.
AddSchedule Adds a schedule to the project.
ApplyTransaction Applies a transaction to the project.
Cancel Cancels the running project.
CheckAccess Gets the current user's access permissions.
Commit Commits changes for a project.
Enum Lists the properties for a project.
EnumAccess Lists the users' access permissions for a project.
EnumDestination Lists the destinations for a project.
EnumItems Lists the ReplicationItem objects for a project.
EnumReplications Lists the ReplicationInstance objects for a project.
EnumSchedules Lists the ReplicationSchedule objects for a project.
Get Retrieves a property for the project.
GrantAccess Grants a user access to a project.
Put Sets a property for the project.
RemoveAccess Removes user’s access to a project.
RemoveDestination Removes a destination from a project.
Rollback Rolls back to a previous replication.
Start Starts a project run.
StartReplicationClient Invokes a ReplicationClient object for the project.
Property Description
Flags A bitmask of the flags for the project (see the Flags appendix).
LocalDirectory Local directory for the project.
Name The name of the project.
ReplicationMethod The replication method (push, pull, or active) used for the project.

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