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Datasource.ExecuteADO Method

Note  The Datasource object is included in Commerce Server 3.0 solely for backward compatibility with sites created in Commerce Server 2.0. New sites should be constructed using ADOs.

The ExecuteADO method executes the specified query on an open ADO connection and returns the results of the query, if any, in an ADO Recordset object.


Datasource.ExecuteADO(Connection, SQL, Parameters)


An open ADO connection. The caller creates this connection by using the ASP Server object's CreateObject method, specifying ADO.Connection as the programmatic identifier, and then by using the Connection's Open method to open a DSN.
The string resource identifier of a query added to a Content object through a previous call to AddQuery, or the SQL text of the query.
One or more parameters to bind to the parameter markers in SQL.

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