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DBStorage.CommitData Method

The CommitData method updates one or more records in the database storage.


DBStorage.CommitData(Null, Data)


This parameter is required for compatibility with Commerce Server 2.0, but is not used.
An object initialized with the updated data. This object can be either an OrderForm or a Dictionary, but must correspond to the object type specified as the programmatic identifier in the initial call to InitStorage.


The following example is used after the contents of the OrderForm have been updated to save the data in the order form table in the application database:

REM -- commit order form back to storage:
call orderFormStorage.CommitData(Null, orderForm)

Note  The CommitData method does not support database tables containing fields of type TimeStamp. Instead, use the DateChanged argument to the DBStorage.InitStorage method, which provides the same functionality as using TimeStamp fields.

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