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MtsPipeline.Execute Method

The Execute method runs the specified set of stages in the pipeline, applying their actions to the specified object. Before invoking Execute, you must load the pipeline configuration using the LoadPipe method.

Execute returns a Long result containing one of the following values:


MtsPipeline.Execute(Mode, Object, PipeContext, Reserved)


Specifies the mode in which to execute the stages in the pipeline. This parameter may be set to one of the following:
1    Runs the product verification stages (OPPMODE_PRODUCT).
2    Runs all stages except payment and accept (OPPMODE_PLAN).
4    Runs the complete pipeline (OPPMODE_PURCHASE).

Note  The Mode parameter is included only for backward compatibility with sites created in Commerce Server 2.0, and will be discontinued in future releases. In Commerce Server 3.0 and later, the selection of pipeline stages is made by loading an appropriate pipeline configuration file with the LoadPipe method. Commerce Server 3.0 applications should use the value one (1) for this parameter (zero (0) will cause no stages to run).

The data object to be processed by the components in the pipeline. For an OPP, Object is usually an initialized OrderForm. For a CIP, Object is a transport dictionary used to store various properties during the execution of the pipeline.
The PipeContext object is a Dictionary object that references a group of initialized objects containing information needed by the pipeline.
This value is not used and must be set to zero (0).


The Execute method should be used instead of the RunProduct, RunPlan, and RunPurchase methods on the Page object, as used in Commerce Server 2.0.


For an example of this method, see MtsTxPipeline and MtsPipeline Overview.

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