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The ConvertFloatString method converts a string representation of a number to a double VARIANT, based on the specified locale.


HRESULT ConvertFloatString(
VARIANT vtNum,// in
VARIANT vtLocale,// in
VARIANT *pvarNumber// out


A VARIANT that contains the string representation of the number to convert. The vt member of this VARIANT must be initialized to VT_BSTR, and its pbstrVal member must contain the BSTR value to convert.
A VARIANT that specifies the locale on which to base the conversion. If this VARIANT is empty (VT_EMPTY) or NULL (VT_NULL), ConvertFloatString uses the locale specified by a previous call to put_Locale.
If successful, a pointer to a VARIANT that contains the converted value. ConvertFloatString initializes this VARIANT's vt member to VT_R8, and stores the converted value in its dblVall member. If unsuccessful, ConvertFloatString sets pvarNumber to NULL.



Return Values

Value Description
S_OK The conversion was successful.
DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH The value in vtNum is not a BSTR value.

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