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IDBStorage Interface

The DBStorage object implements the IDBStorage interface. This interface supports a group of methods that make it possible to read and write data from and to a database table without the explicit use of SQL queries.

The IDBStorage interface supports the following methods:

Method Description
CommitData Updates the database table based on the contents of a Dictionary or an OrderForm.
DeleteData Deletes a row from the database table, based on a description of the data stored in a Dictionary.
DeleteDataKey Deletes a row of data, based on the provided key value.
GetData Gets a row of data from the database, based on a specified key value.
get_Mapping Returns the mapping Dictionary for this IDBStorage instance.
InitStorage Initializes the DBStorage object. This method must be called before any other DBStorage method, and must not be invoked twice on the same DBStorage object instance.
InsertData Inserts the contents of a Dictionary into a database table.
LookupData Retrieves a row of data based on a specified group of name/value pairs.
LookupMultipleData Retrieves multiple rows of data based on the criteria that you specify.
ProcessData Unpacks the data stored in the MarshalColumn for a given row, and returns the resulting row in a Dictionary.
put_Mapping Sets the mapping Dictionary for this DBStorage object instance.

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