The InitStorage method initializes a DBStorage object. You must call this method immediately after creating an instance of the DBStorage object, and before calling any other DBStorage object methods.
HRESULT InitStorage(
VARIANT vtDataSourceDSN,// in
BSTR Table,// in
BSTR bstrKey,// in
VARIANT vtProgID,// in
VARIANT vtMarshal,// in
VARIANT vtChanged// in
- vtDataSourceDSN
- A VARIANT in which the pdispVal member references a valid IDispatch pointer on a DataSource object, or in which the BSTR pbstrVal member references a data source name (DSN).
- bstrTable
- A BSTR that references the table on which this DBStorage object instance will operate.
- bstrKey
- A BSTR that identifies the key for the table identified by Table.
- vtProgID
- The program identifier (ProgID) for the object to be used to pass data to and from this DBStorage object instance. Accepted values include "Commerce.Dictionary" and "Commerce.OrderForm".
- vtMarshal
- The marshal column for the table identified in Table. See the "Remarks" section.
- vtChanged
- A BSTR VARIANT that specifies the date on which the change was made.
Return Values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
The method succeeded. |
The InitStorage method was invoked twice on the same object instance. |
The bstrTable or bstrKey parameters are NULL. Alternately, the vtDataSourceDSN parameter does not reference a valid Datasource object instance or data source name (DSN). |
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