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IDictionary Interface

The IDictionary interface is a basic collection interface. It supports associating VARIANT values with BSTR names, adding or retrieving multiple name/value pairs at once, and enumeration.

The IDictionary interface supports the following methods.

Method Purpose
get_Count Retrieves the number of items in the Dictionary.
GetMultiple Returns the value of multiple Dictionary items.
get__newEnum Returns the IUnknown interface pointer for the Dictionary. The caller can use this interface pointer to call QueryInterface for the enumerator for this object.
get_Prefix Returns the prefix for this IDictionary instance.
get_Value Returns the value of an IDictionary element.
put_Prefix Changes the prefix for the current IDictionary instance.
put_Value Adds an item to the Dictionary, or modifies the value of an existing element.
PutMultiple Adds or changes multiple items in a Dictionary.

Note  If you call PutMultiple or GetMultiple from VBScript, these methods fail because they require data types that VBScript does not support.

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