The PutMultiple method adds specified elements to the IDictionary collection, and initializes these elements to the specified values.
HRESULT PutMultiple(
longcb,// in
const LPOLESTRrgolestr[],// in
const VARIANTrgvar[]// in
If successful, this method returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT that indicates failure.
A one-to-one mapping exists between the elements of the rgolestr and rgvar arrays. This means that rgolestr[n] is added to the IDictionary collection and is initialized to rgvar[n].
If the element specified by rgolestr[n] is already in the Dictionary, the value associated with the element is overwritten with the value stored in rgvar[n].
Note This method cannot be invoked from VBScript because the method requires data types that VBScript does not support.