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The InitManager method initializes the StandardSManager with settings that determine how the StandardSManager stores and retrieves shopper IDs from the user's hard disk. or from a URL.


HRESULT InitManager(
BSTR bstStoreKey,// in
BSTR bstrMode// in


The name of the site.
The mode in which to run the StandardSManager. The mode determines how the PutShopperID and GetShopperID methods store and retrieve the shopper ID.

The following four options are available.
Mode Description
cookie PutShopperID stores the shopper ID in a cookie on the client system. GetShopperID retrieves this cookie.
url PutShopperID appends the shopper ID to the URL, using the MCSSIDUrlKey as the name part of the URL variable. GetShopperID retrieves the shopper ID from the URL.
cookieurl PutShopperID stores the shopper ID in a cookie on the client system and in the URL. GetShopperID first attempts to retrieve the shopper ID from the cookie, and then from the URL.
urlcookie PutShopperID stores the shopper ID in a URL, and stores it as a cookie on the client system. GetShopperID first attempts to retrieve the shopper ID from the URL, then from the cookie.



Return Value

This method always returns S_OK.

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