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The OrderExecute method runs the order processing pipeline (OPP).


HRESULT IOrderPipeline::OrderExecute(
lMode// in
IDispatch *pDispOrder// in
IDispatch *pDispContext// in
longlFlags// in
long *plErrorLevel// out, retval


The execution mode parameter. This parameter can be one of the following values:

This parameter indicates the type of operation being conducted on the OrderForm object. For Commerce Server version 3.0, this parameter is set to zero (0) by default, and is ignored.

A pointer to the OrderForm object.
A pointer to the PipeContext dictionary. This is a Dictionary object that contains pointers to the MessageManager object, ShopperManager object, Content object (for Commerce Server 2.0 sites), and language information.
This parameter is not used, and should be zero (0).
Points to a long integer in which the component returns status information. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
1 No errors, pipeline executed successfully.
2 Basket or purchase errors for this operation.
3 Serious errors in execution of this pipeline.

This error information is meant to supplement the HRESULT information that is returned. The pipeline maps errors returned from components (E_xxxx errors) to an error level of 3.

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Return Value

Value Description
S_OK The order processing pipeline (OPP) or Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP) was executed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG The pdispErrorLevel or pdispOrderForm parameters are NULL.

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