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The DefaultItemPrice component, which usually appears in the Item Price stage of an order processing pipeline, initializes the _iadjust_regularprice name/value pair for each item in the items list, provided this name/value pair is not already set.

The name/value pair is initialized to the value stored in _product_list_price. This name/value pair, initialized during the Product Info stage, contains the latest price information for the given item.

Note  If the product table does not contain a column named list_price, or if the Product Info stage's QueryProdInfo or QueryProdInfoADO components do not retrieve the value of the list_price column in your product table, the item Dictionary will not contain _product_list_price name/value pair. In this case, you need to remove the DefaultItemPrice component from this stage, and include a component (a Scriptor, for example) that explicitly initializes the _iajdust_regularprice name/value pair. Stages that follow the Item Price stage in the pipeline contain components that depend upon _iadjust_regularprice having been set. If this name/value pair is not set, these components fail.

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