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The Audit component, which usually appears in the Audit stage of a Commerce Interchange Pipeline, writes the specified values from the Transport Dictionary into a database table in the audit database.


The Audit component always writes the values of the following name/value pairs in the Transport Dictionary into columns in the database with the same names:

Name Description
txid Transaction ID. A name/value pair originally written to the Transport Dictionary by the transmitting application or by the AddHeader component in the Transmit pipeline. (Must be the primary key in the database table).
utc_datetime Time (Universal Coordinated Time) when the Audit component runs.

In addition, the Audit component writes the values of the following name/value pairs in the Transport Dictionary, if they exist, into columns in the database with the same names:

Name Description
receipt_requested Optional name/value pair originally written to the Transport Dictionary by the transmitting application, indicating a request for the receiving application to send a receipt.
AppID Application ID. An optional name/value pair originally written to the Transport Dictionary by the transmitting application, usually indicating the programmatic ID (progID) of the transmitting application.
return_receipt_request Optional name/value pair written to the Transport Dictionary by the OpenHeader component, containing the hashing algorithm (<DIGESTALGORITHM>) and the type of receipt document requested (<DOCUMENTTYPE>).
msg_digest Digest (hash) of the business data object written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader.
document_type Optional. Description of the type of business object being transmitted.
document_source Optional. Description of the source of the business object, usually the name or address of the company transmitting it
document_destination Optional. Description of the destination of the business object, usually the name or address of the company receiving it.
send_datetime The date and time of the OpenHeader operation.

When using the Audit component, observe the following notes:

For an example of this component, see the Commerce Interchange Transmit pipeline used by the Microsoft Market sample site (Inetpub\Wwwroot\Market\Config\InterchangeTransmit.pcf).

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