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The OpenHeader component, which usually appears in the Open Header Stage of a Commerce Interchange Receive pipeline, reads the XML header tags appended to the data object by the transmit pipeline's AddHeader component, and writes the XML-mapped business object, the transaction ID, the data and time of the transmission, a message digest, and other optional values to the Transport Dictionary as name/value pairs.

The following table lists the XML values that are written as name/value pairs by the OpenHeader component.

Purpose XML Tag read Name/Value written
Return receipt information. Optional. This information is needed by the GenerateReceipt component later in the pipeline. <RETURNREQUEST>

Message digest. Optional. A digest of the business data object. None. msg_digest.
Transaction ID. Unique identifier of the business transaction. <TRANSACTIONID>
Document type. Optional. Description of the type of business object being transmitted <DOCUMENTTYPE>
Document source. Optional. Description of the source of the business object, usually the name or address of the company transmitting it. <DOCUMENTSOURCE>
Document destination. Optional. Description of the destination of the business object, usually the name or address of the company receiving it. <DOCUMENTDESTINATION>
The date and time of the OpenHeader operation, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). <UTCDATETIME>
Business data object. The data that appears between these tags represents an XML representation of the business data object written by the AddHeader component. <OBJECTDATA>
Name/value pair specified as Output Field (default is working_data)

The message digest represents a hash of the business data object, and is not intended to be human readable. This data is sent back to the original sender by the GenerateReceipt component.

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