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The RequiredTotal component, which appears in the Order Total stage of an order processing pipeline, performs a _VERIFY_WITH check on the OrderForm.

The stage always performs a _VERIFY_WITH check. Any fields in the post that appear as _VERIFY_WITH="value=key" will verify that the order has such a key and it is set to that value. This prevents a malicious resetting of addresses or contents. If _verify_with is not on the OrderForm, no check is performed.

For example, order._total_total should equal (order._VERIFY_WITH)._total_total if is in the _VERIFY_WITH clause.


<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="_VERIFY_WITH" VALUE="<% = "ship_to_zip=" & CStr(mmsOrderForm.ship_to_zip) %>">

For more examples, see the \Clocktower\Purchase.asp file in the Commerce Server installation.

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