Use the following procedure to package a site.
- Open an MS-DOS window, change to the directory in which CommerceSitePkgr.exe is located, and run CommerceSitePkgr.exe. (Alternatively, you can double-click on the CommerceSitePkgr icon in the Windows NT Explorer.)
By default, Setup saves CommerceSitePkgr.exe in:
\Microsoft Site Server\SiteServer\Commerce\SDK\Commerce\bin\i386\
- For Site Directory, enter the full path to the top-level directory of the site you want to package. You can click the Browse button to locate the directory if you aren't certain of the path.
- For Target Directory, enter the full path to the directory on your local computer into which the self-extracting executable file will be saved.
After the compressed file has been saved onto your computer, you can transfer it to the remote computer using FTP, email, etc. NOTE: This directory must already exist on your computer—the program will not create it for you if it does not already exist.
- The Files To Include field lists additional files other than the site itself that you want to bundle with the packaged site. If you have only a single additional file, you can type its path and file name in the Files To Include field. At the minimum, you must include the install script that installs the site after it has been copied to the remote computer. If you have multiple files, click the Multiple Files button and then select the files you want to include. (To clear the list of files, click the Clear Files button.) Note that this field does not take wildcards. You must specify the entire path and filename, including the extension for each file.
- Click the drop-down arrow on the Files To Include field and select the install script.
The name of this file now appears in the Script To Execute On Install field, and the OK button becomes available.
- The default behavior of the self-extracting executable file is to simply install transparently, presenting no user interface. If you prefer to display dialog boxes and message boxes to the user during and after the installation, click the Install Options button to specify the user interface options. The following steps assume that you have clicked the Install Options button.
- For Title Shown On Dialog Boxes, type the text string that will be displayed in the title bar of the dialog boxes that are displayed during the installation.
- For Install Script Command Line Options, type the parameters that you want to pass to your install script during the installation of the packaged site. Separate each parameter by a space. If the parameter includes a space, enclose the parameter in quotation marks. You must enter the following parameters:
- /sitename: Specifies the name that will be used for naming the site's virtual directory and top-level physical directory.
- /DisplayName: Specifies the name of the site that is displayed on the site's pages.
- /WebSiteID: Specifies the number of the Web site on which the packaged site is to be installed.
For example, you might enter the following for the Volcano Coffee sample site:
/sitename:vc30 /DisplayName:"Volcano Coffee" /WebSiteID:1
In addition to the above parameters, you can also specify the destination directory (the directory into which the site will eventually be installed on the remote computer). To specify this, enter the following parameter:
You must enter the full path, including the drive letter. If the path contains spaces, remember to enclose the entire path name in quotes.
- For Install Prompt, type the text string that will be displayed to the user at the beginning of the installation to confirm that they want to install the site. This text is displayed to the user in a dialog box with Yes and No buttons.
- For Path To Display License, enter the path to the text file that contains the site's License Agreement (if any).
- For Post Install Command, type the command that is to be used to launch a program that you want to run after the installation is finished. Type the path and filename for the executable file, plus any command-line parameters that you want to pass to the executable file.
- For Finish Message, type the text string that will be displayed to the user at the end of the installation to confirm that the site has been successfully installed. This text appears in a dialog box with an OK button.
- The Hide Extraction Dialog box specifies whether you want to display the animated progress indicator as the installation proceeds. Click Yes to hide the progress dialog box; click No to display it.
- The Show Install Window box controls the windows in which the installation dialog boxes are displayed.
Default specifies the normal window settings. Hidden hides the window (in this case, even if you specify options for installation dialog boxes, the dialog boxes are not displayed because the window in which they would be displayed is hidden). The Minimize and Maximize options minimize or maximize the window.
- Click OK to close the Advanced Options dialog box.
- Click OK to package the site.