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Adding a Component to a Pipeline

Using the Pipeline Editor, you can add a component to any stage in a pipeline. Note, however, that the values that a particular component needs must exist on the order form before that component can successfully complete its function. Therefore, you must make sure that the components in the preceding stages have written the necessary values to the order form before the stage at which you insert a component that needs those values (see Creating a List of Values Read and Written).

To add a component to a pipeline using the ASP-based Pipeline Editor
  1. In the Pipeline Editor, open the pipeline to which you want to add the component.
  2. Locate the stage into which you want to add the component, and then click the Insert component link.

    If the stage already has one or more components, you can insert the new component either before or after an existing component by clicking the link at the location where you want to insert the component.

  3. The Component list displays the list of components normally used in the current stage of the pipeline. Click a component to add it to the pipeline.

    To expand the list to display all components, click Show all available components. To return to the list of only the components normally used in the current stage, click Show only components for stagename.

  4. To configure the new component, click its Edit link. Modify the component's properties as necessary, and then click Update.
  5. At the top of the page, click Save.
To add a component to a pipeline using the Win32-based Pipeline Editor
  1. In the Pipeline Editor, open the pipeline to which you want to add the component.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. In the Choose a component dialog box, click an option for Stages.

    The option you choose determines which components are displayed in the Components area. The default value is the name of the stage into which you are inserting the component; selecting this option displays only those components that are usually used in that stage. Selecting All displays all components, regardless of the stage in which they are normally used.

  4. In the Components list, click the name of the component you want to insert, and then click OK.
  5. To configure the new component, right-click the component, and then on the shortcut menu, click Properties. Modify the component's properties as necessary, and then click OK.
  6. On the File menu, click Save.

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