If you want to enable your component users to edit your component's properties from within the ASP-based Pipeline Editor, you must create two Active Server Pages to support the component's configuration.
The first of these pages, the edit page, is the one through which the component user sets the properties on the page. This page consists of HTML form fields that the user can modify to set your component's properties.
This page must be assigned a name that is a composite of the component's programmatic identifier (progID), in which the periods that appear in the progID are replaced by underscores (_). For example, the progID for the SQLItemADO component is "Commerece.SQLItemADO.1". Consequently, the ASP through which this component can be configured is named Commerce_SQLItemADO_1.asp.
The second of these pages, the post page, is the page to which the configured properties are posted. The name of this page is the same as that of the first, except that "_post" is appended to the end of the filename (for example Commerce_SQLItemADO_1_post.asp).
The pages that make up your ASP-based property pages must reside in the \Microsoft Site Server\SiteServer\Admin\Commerce\Pipeline Configuration directory.