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The Pipe Context

The PipeContext object is a Dictionary object which is passed through the pipeline as a holder of properties needed by pipeline components. The PipeContext is created as a page-level Dictionary object on the same page that creates the OrderPipeline object.

The PipeContext Dictionary object contains the following properties.

Property Description
MessageManager Name of the MessageManager object (created in Global.asa).
DataFunctions Name of the DataFunctions object (created in Global.asa).
QueryMap Name of the QueryMap object (created in Global.asa). The QueryMap is a Dictionary object that contains a number of other Dictionary objects, each of which represents a query name and the SQL text of the query.
ConnectionStringMap A Dictionary object containing connection strings that are available to the site. (This property is copied from the Site Dictionary object.)
DefaultConnectionString The default connection string for the site. (This property is copied from the Site Dictionary object.)
Language The name of a message set (defined in the MessageManager object) containing error messages to be used by the pipeline components in the event of an error.
ReceiptStorage DBStorage object for receipts (needed only if saving receipts).
Shopper The Active User Object (AUO) representing the customer. A component in the pipeline will use the AUO to load ShopperInfo into the OrderForm.

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