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P&M Type Library Reference

This page lists the locations of type libraries and Interface Definition Language (IDL) files that define the COM classes and interfaces used by P&M. This table also includes the logical names of the libraries to make locating them with library browsers such as the Microsoft® Visual Basic® version 5.0 Object Browser or Oleview.exe easier.

The paths shown for the type library assume the product was installed on the default "c:" drive. You must modify the path if the install directories are different.

Note   To generate the IDL from the type library itself, you can use the Oleview.exe executable program, view the type library, and then select Save As from the pull-down menu. Alternately, you can simply copy the contents and paste them into an editor of some kind. Then save the file with extension ".idl" The IDL files are shipped with the SDK strictly for convenience.

Type Information for COM Classes

Logical name IDL file name Type library name Type library path


auo.idl AUO  1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\auo.dll


auo.idl AUO  1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\auo.dll


auo.idl AUO  1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\auo.dll


brokcfg.idl Broker Config 1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\brokcfg.dll


brokcfg.idl Broker Config 1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\brokcfg.dll


ldapcfg.idl ladmin2 1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\ladmin2.dll


setupstr.idl setupstr 1.0 Type Library c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\setupstr.dll


tmadmin.idl TMAdmin 1.0 Type Library c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\TMMsgBld.exe


(not needed) autotobj 1.0 Type Library c:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\P&M\autoobj.dll


objcreator.idl Site Server Search 3.0 Authentication Client Type Library c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\objcreator.dll

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