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This SDK comes with two samples relating to the use of the Membership Authentication Service user database for authentication and authorization of a client's requested use of services. The source code for each can be found in the <sdk-install-root>\Samples\Microsoft Site Server\PM\ directory of the SDK. A brief description of the samples is given below.

Included Samples

Customizing the DPA Login User Interface

This sample demonstrates how you can customize the standard DPA login dialog when the Distributed Password Authentication (DPA) Security Support Provider (SSP) is used in conjunction with the Membership Authentication Service. The sample demonstrates how to write and compile a DLL containing the custom string and bitmap resources, and includes a standard registration file that would be used to install the DLL and update the necessary registry entries on a client's machine. This sample can be used in conjunction with the sample listed below (Sample Client/Server) when DPA is selected as the Security Support Provider.

Sample Client/Server

This sample demonstrates how you could use the Membership Authentication Service database to perform user authentication with a custom client and server application. The example demonstrates the SSPI authentication exchange using either the Distributed Password Authentication (DPA) or the Basic/Clear Text Security Support Providers (SSP) between a client application and a server. In this sample, the server application uses the Membership Authentication Service to verify the credentials (user name and password) supplied by the client process for authorization to a file on the server process's file system.

Other Examples

Examples of using the various COM Classes can be found in many places in the product. Two great resources for examples of use are listed below.


This file resides in the c:\microsoft site server\bin\P&M directory on a system with Site Server installed. This tool has many examples using the various administrative COM classes to configure the P&M system.

Another good place to look is in the Design Time Control (DTC) include file called This file is included in pages that use the DTCs and define a set of stock methods used by them. The functionality includes adding and retrieving properties for users as well as common things such as migration of anonymous cookie users to a fully registered account.

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