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WriteCDFFile Method

The WriteCDFFile method generates and writes the CDF formatted string defined by the Project object to a specified file.

VBScript Syntax

IProject.WriteCDFFile [ FileName ]



An optional string specifying the file name to write the CDF formatted text to. Default=None

Return Value



If a string is passed as an argument, the CDFFilename property is overridden. If no argument is passed, and CDFFilename is defined, that name is used. 

The CDF string is generated for the project using the GetCDFString method. The resulting output is sent to a file on disk.


' Using the Windows Scripting Host (cscript.exe) and VBScript
Set Project = CreateObject("Push.Project")
call Project.WriteCDFFile("C:\channels\project1.cdf")

See Also

GetCDFString Method

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