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Class Schedule

Programmatic Identifier: Push.Schedule.1

The Push.Schedule.1 COM class, hereafter referred to as the Schedule class, defines an Automation-compliant object that can be used to manage information used to build a SCHEDULE XML element, as defined by the Channel Definition Format (CDF) specification.

The Schedule class exposes a dispinterface to the methods listed below. Therefore, all invocations must proceed through the IDispatch interface.

Dispinterface ISchedule


Name Description
AddElement Adds a user-defined XML element to the object's Elements collection.
GetCDFString Builds and returns the object's CDF string.


Name Description
EarliestTime Specifies a value for the EARLIESTTIME attribute.
EndDate Specifies a value for the ENDDATE element.
IntervalTime Specifies a value for the INTERVAL element.
LatestTime Specifies a value for the LATESTTIME element.
StartDate Specifies a value for the STARTDATE attribute.


Name Description
Elements The collection of user-defined XML elements.

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