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Class Channel

Programmatic Identifier: Push.Channel.1

The Push.Channel.1 COM class, hereafter referred to as the Channel class, defines an Automation-compliant COM object that can be used to manage information used to build a CHANNEL eXtensible Markup Language (XML) element as defined by the Channel Definition Format (CDF) specification.

Dispinterface IChannel

The Channel class exposes a dispinterface to the methods listed below. Therefore, all invocations must proceed through the IDispatch interface only.


Name Description
AddElement Adds a user-defined XML element to the Elements collection.
AddHTTPEquiv Adds an HTTPEquiv object to the HTTPEquivs collection.
AddItem Adds an Item object to the Items collection.
AddSoftwarePackage Adds a SoftwarePackage object to the SoftwarePackages collection.
AddSubchannel Adds a Channel object to the SubChannels collection.
AddUsage Adds a Usage object to the Usages collection.
DeleteObjects Deletes all marked objects in subcollections.
GetCDFString Builds and returns the CDF string defined by the object and all subobjects in collections.
GetCDFStringforChannel Builds and returns the CDF string defined by the Channel object only. Collections of objects are not incorporated.
GetCDFStringForItems Builds and returns the CDF string defined by the Item objects in the Items collection.
GetCDFStringForSubChannels Builds and returns the CDF string defined by the Channel objects in the Subchannels collection.
Refresh Runs the refresh cycle on the Channel object.
RefreshAll Runs the refresh cycle on the Channel object and then invokes RefreshAll on all Channel objects in the Subchannels collection.


Name Description
Abstract Specifies a value for the ABSTRACT element.
Base Specifies a value for the BASE attribute.
ChanScript Specifies a value for the CHANSCRIPT element.
Copyright Specifies a value for the COPYRIGHT element.
DefaultPref Specifies a value for the DEFAULTPREF attribute.
DeleteOnRefresh Specifies whether a Parent Channel object should delete this object when DeleteObjects is invoked.
GUID A globally unique identifier for the channel. (read-only)
HREF Specifies a value for the HREF attribute.
ID Specifies a value for the ID attribute.
ItemFormat Specifies a value for the ITEMFORMAT element.
ItemScript Specifies a value for the ITEMSCRIPT element.
LastMod Specifies a value for the LASTMOD attribute.
Level Specifies a value for the LEVEL attribute.
MinStorage Specifies a value for the MINSTORAGE element.
NeedsLogin Specifies whether to generate a LOGIN element.
Precache Specifies a value for the PRECACHE attribute.
PublicationDate Specifies a value for the PUBLICATIONDATE element.
RefreshScript Specifies the refresh agent script to use if RefreshType is set to "userscript" or "custom."
RefreshType Specifies the type of refresh agent to use during the refresh cycle.
Title Specifies the value for the TITLE element.


Name Description
Authors A collection of Author names.
Elements A collection of user-defined XML elements.
HTTPEquivs A collection of HTTPEquiv objects.
Items A collection of Item objects.
Keywords A collection of keywords.
LogoRefs A collection of Logo references to keys in a Project object's Logos collection.
Logs A collection of Log strings.
Publishers A collection of publisher's names.
RefreshOptions A collection of refresh cycle options.
SoftwarePackages A collection of SoftwarePackage objects.
Subchannels A collection of Channel objects.
Usages A collection of Usage objects.

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