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The GetTask method is used to fetch the interface on a Task object for the specified project, if it exists. This method bypasses a complete loading of the Project object when fetching this interface.

VBScript Syntax

IManager.GetTask ProjectName



A string (VT_BSTR) specifying the name of a project to fetch the task object for.

Return Value

If defined, the ITask dispinterface specified by a Project object's Task property. Null (VT_NULL) is returned otherwise.


An exception will occur if the project specified does not exist.

The project name can be an absolute pathname, a relative pathname, or just a name, in which case the default path "c:\microsoft site server\data\pushcfg" is assumed. You can skip appending the ".ppr" extension, as it is assumed in all cases.


' Using Windows Scripting Host and VBScript
Option Explicit
Dim Manager
Dim Items
Dim Task

On Error Resume Next
Set Manager = CreateObject("Push.Manager")
Set Task = Manager.GetTask "projname"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    WScript.echo "no project by that name"
ElseIf vartype(Task) = vbNull Then
    WScript.Echo "No Task object for that project"
' (do something with the task object)
' (code ommited)

End If

See Also

IProject Task Property

Class Task

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