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GetCDFString Method

The GetCDFString method returns a CDF-formatted string defined by the object. This includes all CDF strings for Channel and Logo objects defined for the Project object, as well as any optionally defined LogTarget and Schedule objects.

VBScript Syntax

IProject.GetCDFString [encoding]



A string specifying an optional encoding style. (VT_BSTR)

Return Value

The CDF formatted string defined by the object. (VT_BSTR)


If encoding is specified, it should be either "UTF-8" or "UCS-2". Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 4.0 clients default to "UTF-8" when no encoding is specified.


' Using the Windows Scripting Host (cscript.exe) and VBScript
Set Prj = CreateObject("Push.Project")
call Prj.GetCDFString()


<?XML version="1.0"?><CHANNEL></CHANNEL>

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