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COM Class Architecture

Two COM classes provide developers with access to a comprehensive set of collections, properties, and methods to administer your Search system, except for programming end-user search requests. Use the SearchAdmin class to manage catalog definitions, build catalogs from the catalog definitions, and propagate the resulting searchable catalogs to the Search servers in the system. Use the CGatherNotify class to notify Search that content has changed and should be re-indexed.


The SearchAdmin class contains two sets of interfaces serving the core functions of a Search system:

The BuildServer property returns an IBuildServer interface object, from which a collection of catalog definitions can be obtained.

The SearchServer property returns an ISearchServer interface object, from which a collection of searchable catalogs can be obtained.


The CGatherNotify class contains one interface, IGatherNotify, for notifying Search when the documents of a catalog have changed and should be re-indexed.

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