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About the Examples

Although the examples are written for the Microsoft® Windows® Scripting Host (WSH), you can easily adapt them for Active Server Pages (ASP). The first step is to wrap the VBScript code in the ASP delimiters (<% and %>).

To produce output, change the Wscript.Echo methods to Response.Write methods.

Note   Because ASP files default to the VBScript programming language, you need not supply a language qualifier to your VBScript ASP pages. If you use a different language, such as JScript, you must amend the first line of the previous ASP example to the following:


ASP files offer some additional functionality over WSH files. For example, you can create an include file in which can place commonly-used code, such as the following defined constants, which specify the error codes you receive if Search cannot create the object or the object does not exist:

Const E_CREATEOBJECT  = 429   ' cannot create object 
Const E_NOTEXIST      = 424   ' object doesn't exist 

You can then include this file in an ASP file with a line of code similar to the following, where is the name of the include file (it can be any legal file name and need not have the .inc file extension):

<!--#include file = ""-->

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