You access an ISearchServer interface object by calling the SearchAdmin.SearchServer property, as in the following example, where objSearchServer is the name you give to the new ISearchServer interface object:
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim objSearchAdmin, objSearchServer, objSA
Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objSearchServer = objSearchAdmin.SearchServer
' Just for grins let's make sure the SearchAdmin property
' really returns the same reference.
Set objSA = objSearchServer.SearchAdmin
if NOT objSearchAdmin is objSA then
Wscript.Echo "The SearchAdmin property is bogus. See ya!"
Wscript.Echo "The SearchAdmin property points to the parent."
end if
Wscript.Echo "There are " & objSearchServer.SearchCatalogs.Count _
& " catalogs stored at " & objSearchServer.CatalogsLocation
If NOT objSearchServer.DefaultCatalog = "" Then
Wscript.Echo "The default Search catalog is " _
& objSearchServer.DefaultCatalog
End If
Select Case objSearchServer.PerformanceLevel
Case 1
Wscript.Echo "Search runs in the background"
Case 2
Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a low priority"
Case 3
Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a medium priority"
Case 4
Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a high priority"
Case 5
Wscript.Echo "Host resources are dedicated to Search"
End Select
'Release objects
Set objSearchServer = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing
Set objSA = Nothing