You create an IServer interface object by calling the Add method. You access an IServer interface object by calling the Item property. Because IServers is a collection, you can access all IServer interface objects using a for each loop, as in the following example, where objServer is the name you give to the IServer interface object:
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim objSearchAdmin, objServers, objServer, Site, nHitInterval
Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objServers = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer.Sites
'Add to KMSampleCatalog1
Site = ""
'Get hit intervals
For Each objServer in objServers
Set nHitInterval = objServer.HitInterval
If nHitInterval = -1 Then
Wscript.Echo "Search requests all docs simultaneously from " _
& objServer.Name
ElseIf nHitInterval < -1 Then
Wscript.Echo "Search requests " & -nHitInterval _
& " doc(s) simultaneously from " & objServer.Name
ElseIf nHitInterval > 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Search waits " & nHitInterval _
& " second(s) after requesting docs from " _
& objServer.Name "
End If
'Release objects
Set objServer = Nothing
Set objSearchCatalog = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing