You create an IColumn interface object by calling the IColumns.Add method. You can access a specific IColumn interface object by calling the Item property. Because IColumns is a collection, you can access all IColumn interface objects using a for each loop, as in the following example, where objColumn is the name you give to the IColumn interface object:
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildCatalog, objColumn
Dim Name, Desc, ColType, PropGuid, PropPid, Index, Retrieve, Length
Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
'Add a new column to KMSampleCatalog1 catalog definition
Set objBuildCatalog = _
Name = " HitCount"
Desc = "The number of hits (words matching query) in file"
ColType = "I4"
PropGuid = "49691c90-7e17-101a-a91c-08002b2ecda9"
PropPid = "4"
Index = False
Retrieve = True
Length = 0
objBuildCatalog.Schema.Columns.Add _
Name, Desc, ColType, PropGuid, PropPid, Index, Retrieve, Length
For Each objBuildCatalog IN objSearchAdmin.BuildServer.BuildCatalogs
Wscript.Echo "The schema for " & objBuildCatalog.Name _
& " has these columns:"
For Each objColumn in objBuildCatalog.Schema.Columns
Wscript.Echo " Name: " & objColumn.Name
Wscript.Echo " Description: " & objColumn.Description
Wscript.Echo " PropGuid: " & objColumn.PropGuid
Wscript.Echo " PropPid: " & objColumn.PropPid
If objColumn.Retrieve Then
Wscript.Echo " Retrievable: Yes"
Wscript.Echo " Retrievable: No"
End If
If objColumn.Index Then
Wscript.Echo " Indexable: Yes"
Wscript.Echo " Indexable: No"
End If
Wscript.Echo " Type: " & objColumn.Type
Wscript.Echo " Length: " & objColumn.Length
Wscript.Echo ""
'Release objects
Set objColumn = Nothing
Set objBuildCatalog = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing