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Distribution for Netscape Navigator

The procedure for installing the CPC DLL is somewhat different for users of Netscape Navigator. To support these users, build a self-extracting executable file for download. The program that extracts files from .cab files, EXTRACT.EXE, will automatically extract the files in that .cab file (and any subsequent .cab files) if it has been prefixed to the first .cab file.

To build a self-extracting executable file
  1. Create a .cab file (or set of .cab files) as described previously.
  2. At a command prompt, prefix EXTRACT.EXE to the first .cab file (do not prefix EXTRACT.EXE to any other .cab files in the set).
  3. Distribute the self-extracting .cab file (and any subsequent .cab files).

For example:

C:> diamond /f cpcplugin.ddf        ; Build CAB file set
C:> copy /b cpcplugin.exe        ; cpcplugin.exe is self-extracting

Create a link on your Web page to the self-extracting executable for users to download. For example:


<title>Standard Client Payment Component Install</title>

<h2> <align=center><a href="cpcplugin.exe">Install Client Payment Component DLL</a> </h2>


Next, you must create a setup program that installs the files to their appropriate directories and registers them.

For information about .cab files and self-extracting archives, see the following Web site:

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