SmartcardCreateLink (VxD)

The SmartcardCreateLink function creates a registry entry that is used by the smart card resource manager to access a device.

  IN OUT PSTR LinkName,
  IN PSTR DeviceName


Points to a 64-byte area that receives the result.
Points to the name of the device (the name of your VxD) for which the link should be created.


This function creates an entry in the registry that the smart card resource manager uses to access the device. The name is usually a string like SCReaderN, where N is a zero-based reader number. This function does not allocate a buffer to hold the link name. It is the responsibility of the driver to provide this 64-byte buffer.

It is strongly recommended that you use this function to create the link to your driver. Otherwise, the smart card resource manager will not be able to access your driver.

For information on the SmartcardCreateLink function for WDM drivers, see SmartcardCreateLink (WDM).