Smart Card Driver IOCTL Codes

This section describes the various IOCTL codes that are used to communicate with a smart card reader/card system.

VxD Note The smart card resource manager can communicate with WDM and VxD drivers. To have consistent error values from both drivers, use the Microsoft® Windows NT® status values that are described in this document (the smart card libraries work with Windows NT status values); not with Win32® error values. The MapNtStatusToWinError (VxD) function can be used to map Windows NT status values to Win32 error values.

Usually, all parameters that come from a Win32 call to the driver are passed in a DIOCPARAMETERS structure. These parameters are transferred by the library to the internal structures of the SMARTCARD_EXTENSION structure. Use this structure to access all parameters.

For information on how to use the smart card driver libraries see:

These libraries provides support functions that simplify the development of smart card drivers.