Smart Card Driver Library Function Reference

The following table lists the smart card driver library functions.

Function Description
MapNtStatusToWinError (VxD) Maps a Windows NT status code to a Win32® error code. Not available for WDM drivers.
SmartcardCompleteCardTracking (VxD) Informs the caller of a card insertion or removal event. Not available for WDM drivers.
SmartcardCompleteRequest (VxD) Informs the caller of the completion of a request, unlocks memory, and enables further calls to the smart card library. Not available for WDM drivers.
SmartcardCreateLink (WDM)


SmartcardCreateLink (VxD)

WDM: Creates a DOS device name that the smart card resource manager uses to access the driver.

VxD: Creates a registry entry that is used by the smart card resource manager to access a device.

SmartcardDeleteLink (WDM)


SmartcardDeleteLink (VXD)

Deletes the link that was created with SmartcardCreateLink.
SmartcardDeviceControl (WDM)


SmartcardDeviceControl (VxD)

The main entry function for the smart card driver library. Performs parameter checking and completes calls that do not require I/O with the reader.
SmartcardExit (WDM)


SmartcardExit (VxD)

Frees buffers that were allocated during a call to SmartcardInitialize.
SmartcardInitialize (WDM)


SmartcardInitialize (VxD)

Allocates internal buffers for the library.
SmartcardLogError (WDM) Writes an error message to the event log. Not available for VxD drivers.
SmartcardRawReply (WDM)


SmartcardRawReply (VxD)

Transfers the data received from the card to the user buffer.
SmartcardRawRequest (WDM)


SmartcardRawRequest (VxD)

Copies data from the user buffer to a send buffer.
SmartcardT0Reply (WDM)


SmartcardT0Reply (VxD)

Transfers the data received from the card to the user buffer.
SmartcardT0Request (WDM)


SmartcardT0Request (VxD)

Copies data from the user buffer to a send buffer.
SmartcardT1Reply (WDM)


SmartcardT1Reply (VxD)

Copies data from the user buffer to a send buffer and checks the T=1 protocol status.
SmartcardT1Request (WDM)


SmartcardT1Request (VxD)

Copies data from the user buffer to a send buffer and checks the T=1 protocol status.


SmartcardUpdateCardCapabilities (VxD)

Translates an ATR string into the SCARD_CARD_CAPABILITIES structure that can be used by the driver.
VxD_CreateDevice (VxD) Creates a new instance of a device. Not available for WDM drivers.
VxD_DeleteDevice (VxD) Deletes a device that was created using VxD_CreateDevice. Not available for WDM drivers.