Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events

Enabling or Disabling a Binding

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Const GUID_SourceType     = "{fb65c4dc-e468-11d1-aa67-00c04fa345f6}"
Const GUID_SmtpSource     = "{1b3c0666-e470-11d1-aa67-00c04fa345f6}"
Const GUID_EventType      = {COMCAT GUID FOR EVENT}

Dim Manager
Dim SourceType
Dim Source
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
Dim BindingManager
Dim GUID_Source

Set Manager        = CreateObject("Event.Manager")
Set SourceType     = Manager.SourceTypes(GUID_SourceType)
Set Util           = CreateObject("Event.Util")
' Get the source guid for SMTP service instance 1
Set GUID_Source     = Util.GetIndexedGUID(GUID_SmtpSource, 1)

Set Source         = SourceType.Sources(GUID_Source)
Set BindingManager = Source.GetBindingManager
Set Bindings       = BindingManager.Bindings(GUID_EventType)

' Leave the parameter to Add empty to automatically generate
' a GUID for the binding
Set Binding = Bindings.Add("{GUID}")
Binding.DisplayName    = "My Binding"
Binding.SinkClass      = "MyComponent.MySinkClass"
Binding.Enabled        = True
' Binding.Enabled         = False
' Source properties depend on the source.
' For SMTP, the Rule and Priority properties
' are defined. These may be blank

Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Rule", "ehlo"
Binding.SourceProperties.Add "priority", "40000"

' My sink uses custom Sink properties at runtime to affect
' its operation. I set these here. These only mean something
' to my sink.
Binding.SinkProperties.Add "ArchiveLocation", CStr("c:\myarchive")
Binding.SinkProperties.Add "DoArchive", True
