Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events


[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Binds the MailMsg object using the specified store driver object.

HRESULT RebindAfterFork(
  [in] IMailMsgProperties* pOriginalMsg,
  [in] IUnknown *pStoreDriver
A reference to the MailMsg object to bind to the specified store driver object.
A reference to the store driver to which to bind the new MailMsg object . If this parameter is NULL, the original message's (the object on which ForkForRecipients was invoked) store driver is used.

Return Values

Value Description
S_OK Success.


The RebindAfterFork method is used to simplify re-binding a forked MailMsg object to a store driver. You may use the same store driver to which the original MailMsg object was bound, by passing a reference in the second parameter. If no store driver reference is passed in the second parameter, the store driver for the original message is used.

See Also

IMailMsgRecipientsAdd Interface