Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events


[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IMailMsgPropertyManagement::AllocPropIDRange method allocate a range of property identifiers scoped within the supplied globally unique identifier (GUID).

HRESULT AllocPropIDRange(
   [in] REFGUID rguid,
   [in] DWORD cCount,
   [out] DWORD *pdwStart
Specifies the GUID for the range. If this range is not already registered, or if it is already registered and the count of the registered range matches the requested count, then the registration succeeds.
The number of properties for this range.


On successful return, receives the starting property identifier for the range.

Return Values

Value Description
S_OK Success.
E_INVALIDARG Failure. The range is already registered with a different number of properties (count).


Use AllocPropIDRange to register a range of MailMsg property identifiers for use by your application sinks. You identify your set of properties using a GUID and a count of the number of properties requested. For the duration of the MailMsg objects lifetime within the protocol and transport pipeline, these property identifiers are reserved for the object, and all properties set using the identifiers are stored in the object.