Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events

IMailMsgRecipientsBase Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Base interface for accessing a recipient list.

Name Description
Count Get the number of recipients.
Item Get the name of a recipient.
PutProperty Write a recipient property.
GetProperty Read a recipient property.
PutStringA Write a recipient string property.
GetStringA Read a recipient string property.
PutStringW Write a recipient wide (wchar_t) character string property.
GetStringW Read a recipient wide (wchar_t) character string property.
PutDWORD Write a recipient DWORD property.
GetDWORD Read a recipient DWORD property.
PutBool Write a recipient BOOL property.
GetBool Read a recipient BOOL property.

See Also

IMailMsgRecipients Interface

IMailMsgRecipientsAdd Interface