Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events


Use the following constants to set a recipient's IMMPID_RP_RECIPIENT_FLAGS property. These values are bit ranges that can be OR'ed together to generate the flag value. These flags primarily pertain to delivery status notification (DSN) messages and under what conditions such messages are to be sent to recipients.

Constant Value Description
RP_RECIP_FLAGS_RESERVED 0x0000000F Reserved bit range. Do not use the bits between 0x0 - 0xF
RP_DSN_NOTIFY_SUCCESS 0x01000000 Notify the recipient using a delivery status notification message (DSN) if the message was successfully delivered.
RP_DSN_NOTIFY_FAILURE 0x02000000 Notify the recipient using a delivery status notification message (DSN)if the message delivery was attempted but not successful.
RP_DSN_NOTIFY_DELAY 0x04000000 Notify the recipient using a delivery status notification message (DSN) if message delivery has been delayed.
RP_DSN_NOTIFY_NEVER 0x08000000 Never notify the recipient.