Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events

Implement the Custom ISink Interface Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

To make registering the event sink easy for administrators, we add two methods to the default ISink interface. These methods are called ISink::RegisterSink and ISink::UnRegisterSink. See the example file Sink.cpp for the implementations. Here are the IDL definitions:

interface ISink : IDispatch
 [id(1), HRESULT RegisterSink(
   [in] long lInstance, 
   [in] BSTR DisplayName, 
   [in] BSTR BindingGUID, 
   [in] BSTR ResponseText, 
   [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled, 
   [out,retval] BSTR* OutBindingGUID
 [id(2), HRESULT UnRegisterSink(
   [in] long lInstance, 
   [in] BSTR BindingGUID