Platform SDK: SMTP Server Events |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Message content is stored in a MailMsg object as a stream of US-ASCII characters complying with the RFC 822 specification. By default, the SMTP and NNTP default event sinks perform no processing or alteration of the message content itself. It is essentially treated as an opaque stream of characters.
A typical message that arrives to the transport system could look like the following:
Received by To: "User A" <>, "User B" <> From: "Another" <> Sender: "Someone" <> Subject: A simple message Hello there. Haven't spoken to you in a while. How is it going?
The message body and mail header fields are commonly formatted using the various MIME specifications. The SMTP and NNTP services make no assumptions about the message content, nor do they provide any inherent mechanism for parsing or decoding MIME-formatted message content. If you need to parse and decode MIME formatted messages, the Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 COM component is available on all Windows 2000 installations. The Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Server component is available on systems with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server installed.
The message content stream is accessed using the IMailMsgProperties::ReadContent and IMailMsgProperties::WriteContent methods.