2.13 Call-Disconnect-Notify

The Call-Disconnect-Notify message is a PPTP control message sent by the PAC to the PNS.  It is issued whenever a call is disconnected, due to the receipt by the PAC of a Call-Clear-Request or for any other reason.  Its purpose is to inform the PNS of both the disconnection and the reason for it.

       0                   1                   2                   3

       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


      |            Length             |      PPTP Message Type        |


      |                         Magic Cookie                          |


      |     Control Message Type      |           Reserved0           |


      |            Call ID            |  Result Code  |  Error Code   |


      |          Cause Code           |           Reserved1           |


      |                                                               |

      +              Call Statistics (128 octets)                     +

      |                                                               |


LengthTotal length in octets of this PPTP message, including the entire PPTP header.

PPTP Message Type1 for Control Message.

Magic Cookie0x1A2B3C4D.

Control Message Type13 for Call-Disconnect-Notify.

Reserved0This field MUST be 0.

Call IDThe value of the Call ID assigned by the PAC to this call.  This value is used instead of the Peer's Call ID because the latter may not be known to the PNS if the call must be aborted during call establishment.

Result CodeThis value indicates the reason for the disconnect. Current valid Result Code values are:

1 (Lost Carrier) - Call disconnected due to loss of carrier

2 (General Error) - Call disconnected for the reason indicated in Error Code

3 (Admin Shutdown) - Call disconnected for administrative reasons

4 (Request) - Call disconnected due to received Call-Clear-Request

Error CodeThis field is set to 0 unless a "General Error" condition exists, in which case the Result Code is set to 2 and this field is set to the value corresponding to the general error condition as specified in Section 2.16.

Cause CodeThis field gives additional disconnect information.  Its value varies depending on the type of call being disconnected. For ISDN calls it is the Q.931 cause code.

Call StatisticsThis field is an ASCII string containing vendor-specific call statistics that can be logged for diagnostic purposes.  If the length of the string is less than 128, the remainder of the field is filled with octets of value 0.