HRESULTs are the 32-bit return value from ORPC methods. The following is a partial list of already defined HRESULTs.

Value Meaning
S_OK Success. (0x00000000)
E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory to complete the call. (0x80000002)
E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid. (0x80000003)
E_NOINTERFACE No such interface supported (0x80000004)
E_ACCESSDENIED              A secured operation has failed due to inadequate security privileges. (0x80070005)
E_UNEXPECTED                Unknown, but relatively catastrophic error. (0x8000FFFF)
S_FALSE                     False. (0x00000001)
RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE  The procedure number is out of range. (0xC002002E)
RPC_E_INVALID_OXID          The object exporter was not found. (0x80070776)
RPC_E_INVALID_OID           The object specified was not found or recognized. (0x80070777)
RPC_E_INVALID_SET           The object exporter set specified was not found. (0x80070778)
RPC_E_INVALID_OBJECT        The requested object does not exist. (0x80010114)
RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH      The version of COM on the client and server machines does not match. (0x80010110) 

Further details TBS.