6.2 The IRemoteActivation Interface
IRemoteActivation is defined as follows:
interface IRemoteActivation
import "obase.idl";
const unsigned long MODE_GET_CLASS_OBJECT = 0xffffffff;
HRESULT RemoteActivation(
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] ORPCTHIS *ORPCthis,
[out] ORPCTHAT *ORPCthat,
[in] GUID *Clsid,
[in, string, unique] WCHAR *pwszObjectName,
[in, unique] MInterfacePointer *pObjectStorage,
[in] DWORD ClientImpLevel,
[in] DWORD Mode,
[in] DWORD Interfaces,
[in,unique,size_is(Interfaces)] IID *pIIDs,
[in] unsigned short cRequestedProtseqs,
[in, size_is(cRequestedProtseqs)]
unsigned short RequestedProtseqs[],
[out] OXID*pOxid,
[out] DUALSTRINGARRAY **ppdsaOxidBindings,
[out] IPID*pipidRemUnknown,
[out] DWORD *pAuthnHint,
[out] COMVERSION *pServerVersion,
[out] HRESULT *phr,
[out,size_is(Interfaces)] MInterfacePointer **ppInterfaceData,
[out,size_is(Interfaces)] HRESULT *pResults
Activates the class object specified by Clsid, associated with the pwszObjectName file moniker, or associated with pObjectStorage -- a client- provided IStorage object --, and gives the client the OXID and IPID(s) of any interfaces it requested on that object. Implementations are free to return a new instance of the requested class object every time this API is called or to return the same class object (i.e. the same OXID and IPIDs) every time. Implementations may choose to offer "launch" functionality by loading and initializing the executable code which implements the requested class object if it is not already running, or if the programmer wishes to have objects segregated into different processes because of security or robustness considerations.
This function incorporates the functionality of both the IRemUnknown and IOXIDResolver interfaces so that only one network roundtrip is necessary for object activation.
Argument | Type | Description |
hRpc | handle_t | An RPC binding handle used to make the request. |
ORPCthis | ORPCTHIS* | Client-provided ORPCTHIS |
ORPCthat | ORPCTHAT* | Server-provided ORPCTHAT |
Clsid | const GUID* | The CLSID of the class object the caller wishes to activate. |
pwszObjectName | WCHAR* | Path to a file name which when activated by the server's moniker facility, will return the object that the client is interested in. |
pObjectStorage | MInterfacePointer* | Interface pointer to an object on the client which supports IStorage. The server on the remote will use the IStorage's CLSID to determine which object to instantiate on the server. |
ClientImpLevel | DWORD | A value taken from the RPC_C_IMP constants. Used to inform the server of the client's default impersonation level. |
Mode | DWORD | Set to MODE_GET_CLASS_OBJECT for regular object activations. If pwszObjectName or pObjectStorage are not NULL, this mode is passed to IPersistFile::Load when activating the object on the server. |
Interfaces | DWORD | The number of interfaces being requested |
PIIDs | IID* | The list of IIDs that name the interfaces sought on this object. |
cRequestedProtseqs | Unsigned short | The number of protocol sequences specified in the RequestedProtseqs parameter. |
RequestedProtseqs | Unsigned short[] | The list of protocol sequences that the client wants OXID binding handles for. |
pOxid | OXID* | The OXID for the object created. |
ppdsaOxidBindings | DUALSTRINGARRAY** | Endpoint and security binding strings to reach the OXID |
pipidRemUnknown | IPID* | The IPID of the OXID's IremUnknown interface |
pAuthnHint | DWORD* | A value taken from the RPC_C_AUTHN constants. A hint to the caller as to the minimum authentication level which the server will accept. |
pServerVersion | COMVERSION* | The version of the COM implementation on the server. |
phr | HRESULT* | The HRESULT for the activation operation |
ppInterfaceData | MInterfacePointer** | The set of interface pointers requested. Returned in the order they were requested in pIIDs. |
pResults | HRESULT* | The HRESULTs for the individual QueryInterface() operations performed on the interfaces specified in Interfaces. |
ReturnValue | Meaning |
RPC_S_OK | This method always returns RPC_S_OK. Check phr for the status of this function. |
Value of phr | Meaning |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unspecified error occurred |
E_ACCESSDENIED | Client attempted to activate but did not have the required permission or the server does not permit remote activations |
E_INVALIDARG | One or more arguments are invalid. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Insufficient memory to complete the operation. |